Monday, September 5, 2011

The Start

My two passions and love affairs in life is horseback riding and surfing. I don't get to surf as much as I'd like to, and haven't been able to, since I live in a landlocked state, but I'm lucky enough to be able to travel and surf a couple of weeks in the summer. When I'm unspeakably lucky, I get to go occasionally throughout the school year. My love affair with surfing started when I caught my first whitewater, and I knew it was something I wanted to really step into the moment I caught my first swell. The experience was like meeting your soulmate for the first time; an unspeakable bond is formed with the ocean and the water. My love affair with horses started when my dad brought me and my older sister kelly into horseback riding lessons. I developed a passion for it when I leased my first pony, Halle. Whenever I stroke a horse, or touch the ocean, a certain kind of electricity hits me. When I'm sitting on top of a surfboard in the lineup, or sitting on my horse after I get on him, I feel at one with the energy beneath me. When I'm sitting in the lineup, and if I'm quiet and listen, I can feel the power of the ocean beneath me. If I listen earnestly enough, I can start to feel when a big swell is about to come through. The air will become silent, and a certain feeling of, "here it comes," settles in my stomach. When I'm astride a horse, it's almost the same philosophy. If I'm riding Adonnes, and my mind is clear, quiet, and listening, I can almost hear him say, "I'm going to pop my left shoulder out if you slowly let slip the boundary of your inside leg and your outside rein." In response, I can quickly fix myself to ensure Adonnes continues a straight, round, and obedient ride. (If you give Adonnes an inch, he'll take a mile.) If my mind is blurry, unfocused, and unclear,  my hopes of a obedient, round, straight ride with Adonnes will be abolished. If I'm not 100% clear with what I ask him to do, he won't be 100% clear of what I'm asking him to do. When I'm surfing, and my mind is a million miles away from the surf, I almost always get hit by a rogue wave. If I'm not paying clear attention to what is up ahead of me, the ocean will take advantage of it.

Being a junior in high school, if you don't pay a lot of attention to your life, if you're not careful and you don't pay clear attention, you can get hit with hypothetical 'rogue waves.' As I'm in high school, it's no surprise a lot of girls around me are in a relationship, and have a boyfriend. I sometimes wonder why I haven't had any romances in my life yet, and I've think I know why. I'm already committed to someone! Not only does he keep me busy, but he requires 95% of my attention and devotion. He also needs his belly scratch, his sore muscles rubbed with his liniment gel, and his daily 'nicker-nacker' treats and grain. Though we don't cuddle under the moonlight, Adonnes will always offer to scratch my back with his muzzle, nicker and run up to me as I walk towards his pasture, always make me laugh with his cheeky personality, and hug me with his undying love. (haha I would say unconditional, but to earn his heart and love, he is VERY conditional. ;) When my little horse wraps his neck and head around me in a hug, the bond I is unlike anything else in this world.

--Hang loose, Live loose--


1 comment:

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