Tuesday, November 15, 2011

STEVE IRWIN DAY. aaand an apology..

First matter of business.
-I'm sorry for the long vacancy of this post! To let you know I'm sincere, I'll type up a taste of my week:

Monday: 7:30 go to seminary/school, get out of school at 2:30. Come home, get dressed for work, arrive at the barn at 3:30. Work for 2-3 hours, usually riding about 2 or 3 ponies and doing other sorts of jobs. (Like trimming ponies feet that need to be done, putting ponies away from turnout, stuff like that.) Then at 5:30-6:00 head over to Zephyr ranch to go ride my own pony Adonnes! :) I'll get him out and groom him and work on his feet (to achieve a mustang roll! I'll have a picture down below) and then take tack him up and play with him in the arena, then ride.(We do more than just like a walk, trot, canter; we sometimes rope barrels, jump, do some bridless work, drag barrels, school XC if there is still light outside, etc. Haha it depends on what stuff I can think up for us to do.) Now that it's wayyy cold at night I'll usually finish up at around 8:00. Then I'll wait for my mom to come pick me up and then we get home at around like 9ish. Then I'll finish up any homework I need to do, and that's about it!

Tuesday is basically the exact same day, and then I get Wednesday off and then I have work on Thursday, and then I get the weekend to ride usually. It's a bit of a busy life, but I wouldn't have it any other way! :)

So I hope that might explain why time just slips through my fingers to darn quickly!! Though it's no excuse haha.

Second matter of business: My older sister Kelly is coming home on Saturday! It's so crazy! It's really weird, cause it feels like she was here just a couple weeks ago, but at the same time it hasn't. Her absence in my life is a paradox! It'll be so nice to have her here though! It's so much fun having her back at the barn! Plus my older bro will be here next Wednesday! I'm way stoked for that, I haven't seen him in a year and a half!

Third matter of business: STEVE IRWIN DAY.
Today is a day that we celebrate the life of Steve Irwin, the greatest wildlife warrior of them all! He was and still is my childhood hero! His contagious personality and enthusiasm about wildlife is what drew so many to understand and come to love the wildlife he was so passionate about! His legend still lives on in this world through his family and his world famous Australia Zoo! (where dreams come true!) I think he must've had another mission to fulfill on the other side, and maybe he was even put in charge of taking care of the wildlife animals coming through to the other side. His mission here on earth continues as well, as his children are being passed the 'football of conservation' and running it up.
The most common trim on a horse you'll see , it might not seem that different from a mustang "roll" or mustang trim, but I promise you, it's an entire world of difference!

 This is a Mustang roll!
--Khaki isn't just a color, it's an attitude mate!--